Shabbat Services Shabbat Services

Temple B’nai Sholem holds Shabbat services at the Temple every week on Friday evening. Rabbi Shull comes to our congregation in New Bern once each month. On the weeks that Rabbi Shull is here the services are led by the Rabbi and begin at 7:30 pm The other weeks the services are led by our lay leaders and services begin at 7:00 pm.

As we are a Reform congregation the main Shabbat service is on Friday evening. At the services we light Shabbat candles, recite the kiddush and follow the services in our prayer books. Depending on the preference of the leader we may use either the Gates of Prayer or the Miskan Tefilah and the service may be either more or less traditional. We also read from the weekly Torah portion during the Friday evening service and the leader will present a d’var Torah. Services last about an hour and after each service the congregation has an opportunity to socialize and enjoy an oneg shabbat (festive refreshments).

We do not have Shabbat services Saturday morning except when Rabbi Shull is here or if there is a bar- or bat-mitzvah. On the weeks that the Rabbi is here we also have a brief Shabbat service on Saturday morning at 10:30 am. The service is followed by an educational discussion session led by the Rabbi. There is always a kiddush after the Saturday morning session.

Please refer to our homepage for more information regarding this month’s Shabbat Service Schedule.