Men's Club Men's Club


The Men’s Club

The Men’s Club of Temple B’nai Sholem is formed from men in the congregation who get together on a regular basis. Our purpose is to assist the Temple and the congregation however we can, and to provide opportunities for the men, their families and the congregation itself to socialize outside of the formal Temple activities

Traditionally Men’s Clubs are social organizations that are associated with a Temple or synagogue. Men’s Clubs often support the Temple by helping celebrate Jewish culture and observance, as well as by organizing social events and gatherings for the congregation. Men’s Clubs also raise funds for and otherwise assist the Temple so that the Temple can enjoy things that are not always in the temple budget.

The Men’s Club of Temple B’nai Sholem has in the past regularly:

Put up and taken down the sukkah

Provided gits to each young person on the occasion of his/her bar- or bat-mitzvah

Organized bagel brunches during the year and latke parties at Chanukkiah

Organized dinner-dances and other social events for the congregation

Set up picnics for the congregation

Raised funds for the Temple

Shown films having Jewish themes


We look forward to doing more in the future.

The Men’s Club meets once each month and other times as needed to prepare for an activity or event. For more information please contact Irv Joffee at